Malton Primary Academy

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust


We have four house groups across the school; Brock, Hart, Reynard, and Ule. Children and families named the houses after the wildlife that is associated with our local area.

Since 2015, the house system has grown and proves to be extremely popular amongst pupils and staff. Each of the four house communities creates a smaller, unique community that allows children to develop friendships across the age groups and ensures that younger children have the opportunity to learn from older peers.

Children take part in regular house activities including competitions and performances which enable opportunities to develop a sense of community.

House whole school competitions enable children to showcase their talents and experience a broad and balanced variety of competition opportunities from across the curriculum. House points are awarded as Dojos to children by class teachers for when they show our school BEEs: Be respectful, Empathetic and Kind and Effort and Hard work. Children accrue house points over the course of each year and every point they earn contributes towards a team total to help determine our house champions.

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