Malton Primary Academy

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust



At Malton Primary Academy, we aim to teach children to be autonomous through our Art and Design curriculum. Being a school which specialises in student wellbeing and their emotional and mental health, we want our pupils to explore their own identity in order to develop authenticity, as well as being curious about respecting and connecting with others. We provide visual, tactile and sensory experiences – along with exploring a range of media, tools and movements – to allow our children to have creative freedom and independent thought. Our Art and Design curriculum inspires, engages and challenges children - enabling pupils to communicate what they see, feel and think -through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern. Our school is located in a semi-rural market town, which offers little opportunity to experience Art of different traditions and cultures; therefore, it is important that we offer children opportunities to connect with the wider community and explore lots of different artists and craftspeople that will inspire, challenge and encourage them to take risks and express themselves in a variety of different ways. 


We will achieve this by: 

-Teaching Art regularly - on a termly basis for an hour every week. 

-Linking art as closely as possible to the topic for the term, to ensure relevance and context. 

-Teaching a predominantly skills-based curriculum, which covers drawing, painting, sculpture, textiles and printing. Full details of our art curriculum can be found in our Long Term Plan. 

-Re-teaching skills throughout the children’s time in school. Skills are revisited and honed in a spiral curriculum, which progresses in terms of depth and challenge, to build on the children’s previous learning. 

-Teaching a uniquely structured curriculum in which, across the 3 terms of study, 2 units will focus on developing knowledge, as well as practising taught skills. The final unit (Mixed Media) focusses on autonomy, inspiration and the application of skills around a clear intent. 

-Ensuring that each child develops their skills and techniques in a way appropriate to them, through -clear adaptations and support, active and purposeful experiences, and using a variety of art materials and teaching strategies. 

-Introducing children to artists and art movements directly linked to the skills or topics they are covering. 

-Adopting a ‘Portfolio’ approach, so that children feel safe to experiment and take risks, without the fear of doing something “wrong”. 

-Openly promoting art and design as a possible further study or career choice.  

-Encouraging each child to evaluate their art and design work and that of others, both with peers and adults.  

-Celebrating effort, progress and achievement in Art through displays, certificates, exhibitions and enrichment activities, such as trips out and competitions. 


By the time our pupils leave us in Year 6, we want pupils to have creative innovation and confidence. We want our pupils to explore, experiment and take risks, knowing and understanding that everyone is different and to value independent thought and creativity. We want pupils to have learned, improved and embedded a range of artistic skills across a range of tools and media. They will have an awareness of a broad range of artists, sculptors and architects, and be able to consider and discuss other artwork they come across. Most importantly, we want children to have found and enjoyed a creative outlet – a means of self-expression and enjoyment. 

Key Documents

Whole School Art Long Term Plan

Year 1 Long Term Plan Art

Year 2 Long Term Plan Art

Year 5 Long Term Plan Art

Year 6 Long Term Plan ArtYear 1 Autumn Medium Term Plan Art

Year 2 Autumn Medium Term Plan Art

Year 5 Autumn Medium Term Plan Art

Year 6 Autumn Medium Term Plan Art


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